Newtown Square Monthly Meeting
The meeting now known as Newtown Square Monthly Meeting has a long history. About 1692, Radnor Monthly Meeting under Chester Quarterly gave Friends in the area the right to hold an Indulged Meeting. The first meetings were held in the home of William Lewis. In 1706, the meeting was raised to a Preparative meeting under Chester Monthly. A bit of land was donated to the meeting and by 1711, their first meetinghouse was built and a burial ground created. About 1722, the meeting was transferred to Goshen Monthly Meeting. The meeting continued to grow and in 1791, the existing meetinghouse was replaced with the current stone building.
At the time of the Great Separation, the majority of the meeting was Hicksite and so that side retained the property. The Orthodox members were transferred to Concord Monthly, which laid down the meeting in 1828 and transferred its members to Willistown Preparative meeting.
Newtown Square Monthly meeting was established in 1939 when the original Goshen Monthly meeting was dissolved. The modern day Newtown Square Monthly meeting is an active member of the Haverford Quarter and is one of the many Quaker meetings in Delaware County.
120 N. Newtown Square Road
Newtown Square, PA 19073