The books on this page are among those that have helped me construct this site. In many cases, they are available online, some freely available in places such as, or for purchase, such as Amazon. Where available, a link follows listing for the resource, showing where the resource may be obtained. Purchases made from Amazon may provide a modest commission for this site at no additional to you.
- Barbour, Hugh and Arthur Worrall. Quaker Crosscurrents: Three Hundred Years of Friends in the New York Yearly Meeting., Edited by Christopher Densmore. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1995.[Amazon Link}
- Beard, Alice L. Births, Deaths and Marriages of the Nottingham Quakers, 1680-1889. Bowie, MD Heritage Books, 2009. [Amazon Link}
- Birmingham Friends. Three Hundred Years of Quakerism at Birmingham, 1690-1990. West Chester, PA: Birmingham Friends, 1990 [Amazon Link]
- Forbush, Bliss. A History of Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends: Three Hundred Years of Quakerism in Maryland, Virginia, The District of Columbia and Central. Penn. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2008. [Amazon Link]
- Hill, Thomas C., transcriber. Willna Ann Uebrick-Pacheli: Meetings in Baltimore and Virginia Yearly Meetings. Charlottesville, VA, 2011. [Bryn Mawr edition online]
- Jacob, Norma, editor. Quaker Roots. Kennett Square, PA: Western Quarterly Meeting, 1980. [Amazon Link]
- Meldrum, Charlotte, and Martha Reamy. Early Church Records of Chester County, Pennsylvania, Volume 2. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 2009.[Amazon Link]
- Michener, Ezra. A Retrospect of Early Quakerism. Philadelphia: T. Ellwood Zell, 1860. [ link]
- Miller, D. Douglas. Drumore Quakers’ Precious Habitation. Xlibris, 2016. [Amazon Link]
- Peden, Henry C. Quaker Records of Northern Maryland: 1716-1800. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 2009. [Amazon link]
- Pennsylvania Historical Survey Works Projects Administration. Inventory of Church Archives Society of Friends in Pennsylvania. Baltimore, MD: Clearfield, 2012. [Amazon Link]
- Reamy, Martha. Early Church Records of Chester County, Pennsylvania, Volume 1: Quaker Records of Bradford Monthly Meeting. Colonial Roots, 1999. [Amazon Link]
- Reamy, Martha. Early Church Records of Chester County, Pennsylvania, Volume 3. Colonial Roots, 2000. [Amazon Link]
- Salem Quarterly Meeting. Salem Quarter 1675-1900. Pennsville, NJ: Associated Printers, Inc., 1991.
- Smedley, R. C. and Christopher Densmore. History of the Underground Railroad in Chester and the Neighboring Counties of Pennsylvania. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2009. [Amazon Link]
- Tolles, Frederick B. Meeting House and Counting House: The Quaker Merchants of Colonial Pennsylvnia 1682-1763. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1963 [Amazon Link]
- Walmer, Margaret B. Menallen [Pennsylvania] Minutes, Marriages and MIscellany – Quaker Records, 1780-1890. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 2007. [Amazon Link]
- Watring, Anna Miller. Early Quaker Records of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Vol I: 1682-1750. Colonial Rots. 2001. [Amazon Link]
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